Resources for Sustainable Growth

You’ve been running your business successfully for years, and then:
The Pandemic. Climate Crisis. Banks Collapsing. Recession Rollercoaster.

Perspectives have shifted. Priorities have changed.

It’s time for your business to evolve, too.

Is it time to downsize? Add new services? Change your business model? Explore new service lines or regions?
Begin ESG reporting? Explore renewable energy sources? What about these other areas?

Business Models + EcosystemsTeam Structure + Employee EngagementResponsible Sourcing + Vendor Selection
Create Positive ImpactEnergy Sources + ConsumptionReduce Footprint + Environment
Scale SustainablyCircularityCommunity
Customer LoyaltyGovernance & ManagementGrowth & Profitability

Where to start?

It can be overwhelming. That’s where we can provide guidance. It begins with a conversation.

Jillian Vorce

As a business owner myself, I went through a transition that entailed a deep dive into what I was doing, with whom I was doing it, and for, and what the purpose or objectives were. I explored questions about how I truly wanted to spend my time, the type of people and engagements that ignite my energy rather than deplete it, and how I could better align my business with my personal values. Conventionally, this period of time might be referred to as “downsizing,” but for me, it was more of a warp zone, a time to recalibrate.

Some areas I dissected, evaluated, and am rebuilding deliberately and mindfully include the role and impact of my business in the community, my team, and the environment, being proactive instead of reactive, and challenging the status quo and limitations of “business as usual.”

Now, it’s time to focus on business as a force for good!

Sustainability: Practical Growth Opportunities for Business

Surely we have all heard about the global climate crisis and efforts being made to reduce our carbon footprint. It can feel like such a colossal challenge that we as business owners and leaders can do little to mitigate the avalanche. However, if we all choose to contribute, together we can provide an impactful and vital boost and grow our businesses at the same time. [read more]

employee retention for sustainability

Employee Retention: A Sustainable Business Practice

Sustainable companies focus on maximizing all of their assets and resources while also proactively reducing or repurposing waste. This applies to all facets of business, including perhaps the most valuable yet under-appreciated resource, people — specifically, your team. [read more]